Welcome to our website, kontrapunktmusic.com ! The information below is governed by contrapunktmusic.com and www. kontrapunktmusic.com website terms of use.
1. Definitions:
1.1 GTC: these detailed information and general terms and conditions,
1.2 Website: kontrapunktmusic.com and www. kontrapunktmusic.com websites together,
1.3 Webshop: an e-commerce store operating on kontrapunktmusic.com ,
1.4 Sheet music: digital and printed sheet music available for purchase in the Online Store,
1.5 User: the visitor of the Website and the user, customer,
1.6 Kontrapunkt Music: Kontrapunkt Zenemūkiadó Kft.
2. Website Operator Information
This Website is operated by Kontrapunkt Music. The details of Kontrapunkt Music are as follows:
Company name: Kontrapunkt Zenemukiadó Kft.
Headquarters: 1118 Budapest, Villányi út 83-85. Building D, Hungary
Tax number: 14626621-2-43
Company registration number: 01-09-268116
Court of Registry: Registry Court of the Metropolitan Court
3. Mandatory force and scope of the GTC
By connecting to the Website and searching for and accessing data, registering on the Website, making a purchase in the Web Store or using the Website in any other way, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions, which may change from time to time.
Date of publication of the current version of the GTC: 2015. June 25
4. Data management
4.1 Kontrapunkt Music shall provide the personal data necessary to ensure the User ‘s access to the Website and to make purchases in the Web Store in accordance with the applicable legal provisions – in particular the 2011 Act on the Right to Self – Determination of Information and Freedom of Information. Annual CXII. 2003 on electronic communications. Act C of 2001 (hereinafter referred to as the “Eht.”) and the Act on Electronic Commerce Services 2001. in accordance with Act CVIII of 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the “Electronic Commerce Act”).
4.2 During the operation of the Website, Kontrapunkt Music automatically records the data of the visitors of the Website to connect to the Website, to maintain the established connection and to make the system technically essential. These data are provided by Kontrapunkt Music in Eht. Section 154 (3) and Section 13 / A of the Electronic Commerce Act. § (3).
4.3 Pre-registration on the Website is required for purchases in the Web Store. During registration, Kontrapunkt Music records and stores the following information required for purchase and delivery:
4.3.1 Data essential for purchase and delivery in the Online Store,
- Basic login information: email address, password
- Billing address: country, last name, first name, zip code, town, street, house number, floor
- Shipping address details corresponding to the categories under Billing Address, if the billing address and shipping address are different.
The above data is provided by Kontrapunkt Music securely in accordance with Electronic Commerce Act 13 / A. § (1) – (3).
4.3.2 Data that can be provided at the user’s discretion to facilitate purchases in the Web Store:
- In connection with the billing address: telephone number, fax number, other data provided voluntarily;
- In connection with the shipping address, the data corresponding to the categories that can be entered under the Billing Address, if the shipping and billing addresses are different.
A 4.3.2. The provision of the data referred to in point 1 shall also constitute consent to the processing of the data.
4.3 In the event that a User wishes to be notified of the latest news and offers from Kontrapunkt Music, he / she may subscribe to the Kontrapunkt Music newsletter by entering his / her email address and password on the Website. By subscribing, the User consents to Kontrapunkt Music regularly sending newsletters and other information and advertising material to his / her email address, as well as managing his / her email address and password for this purpose. By clicking on the link in the newsletter, the User may unsubscribe at any time, in which case Kontrapunkt Music will immediately delete his / her personal data related to this service.
4.4 In order to make purchases in the Web Store, to provide personalized service and to improve the user experience, a small data file, the so-called place a cookie. Acceptance of these GTC also means consent to the use of cookies. If the User does not want to use cookies, he / she can disable them at any time in the browser or using other devices. Disabling cookies may limit the functionality of the Website and some services may not be available in this way.
4.4.1 With the help of cookies, Kontrapunkt Music records and stores the following data as follows:
- The contents of the user’s cart for 30 days from the last visit,
- User selected language and country for 365 days since last visit
- A secret ID required to log in to a registered User for the duration of the browser session.
The following service providers may also place cookies on the Website:
- Google Analytics – 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, California, 94043, USA, more information is available at: http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html
- AddThis Sharing Tools, AddThis Analytics – Clearspring Technologies, Inc., 8000 Westpark Drive, Suite 625 McLean, VA 22102, USA, more information is available at the following link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy
- Facebook Like Button Social Plugin – Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, more information is available at the following link: http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/your-info-on- other
If the User purchases a Sheet Music or CD using the PayPal system, the PayPal system stores the data specified in the general terms and conditions of PayPal regarding the contract concluded between the User and Kontrapunkt Music.
PayPal credentials and more information about data management:
PayPal, Inc., 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131, USA,
4.5 Acceptance of these GTC also means consent to the storage and preservation of the processed personal data. Kontrapunkt Music handles the personal data of the User from the date of registration until the announcement of the cancellation request for registration. In the event of a request for cancellation, Kontrapunkt Music will delete the personal data within 5 working days of the request being made.
4.6 The billing and delivery data of the Users purchasing the Sheet Music will be entered into the corporate governance system at Kontrapunkt Music, which will store this data in the form of an electronic receipt in accordance with the Hungarian Accounting Act even after the registration has been deleted from the Website.
4.7 Kontrapunkt Music does not link the personal data of the Users collected and processed for the different purposes listed in clauses 4.2-4.7 and does not use them for purposes other than the original purpose without the consent of the User.
4.7 User data management rights
4.7.1 At the request of the user, Kontrapunkt Music provides information on the conditions of handling and processing of personal data, corrects incorrectly processed personal data and blocks or deletes data outside the personal data processed on the basis of legal authorization (mandatory data management).
4.7.2 The User may also change his / her personal data at any time under the “My Data” menu item on the Website.
4.7.3 Except in the case of statutory data processing (mandatory data processing), the User may object to the processing of his / her personal data, which Kontrapunkt Music will examine within 15 days and inform the User of its position in writing. If the User does not agree with Kontrapunkt Music’s decision or has not been informed of Kontrapunkt Music’s position, he may apply to a court within 30 days of receiving notification of the decision or of failing to comply with the 15-day period for communicating the information.
4.7.4 In the event of a violation of the user’s rights related to the processing of personal data, he / she may apply to a court, and in the event of a violation of these rights or an imminent threat of such violation, the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority may initiate proceedings.